Senate Democrats Introduce One of the Most Tyrannical Gun Control Measures Imaginable

It’s a wonder Democrats are even bothering to waste time and money on this type of legislation, knowing they have no chance of getting anything passed. But one of the benefits of their current push for more gun control measures is that it shows the rest of the country exactly how they plan to make it harder for law-abiding Americans to purchase and own firearms.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), otherwise known as Senator Spartacus, recently capitalized on the white supremacist terrorist attack in Buffalo, New York, to introduce yet another gun control measure. But this isn’t like the others to which we have become accustomed; it is far worse.

Booker, along with Sens. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), introduced legislation that would require people to obtain a license from the Department of Justice before they can purchase or receive a firearm. Politico reported:

The DOJ license would require both a written firearm safety test and hands-on training, a criminal background check and submission of fingerprints and proof of identity. The license would only be available to people over 21 years of age, essentially raising the age of gun ownership to 21.

In a written statement, Booker said: “This is the moment to enact ambitious legislation – as a nation, we must rise to it, or we are fated to witness the deadly scenes of this past weekend and years past over again.”

If passed, the proposed legislation would allow the Attorney General to reject a license if they decide the person seeking to purchase the gun “poses a significant danger of bodily injury to self or others.”

The legislation would also empower the federal government to deny Americans the right to bear arms if they have been arrested for any crime or have a history of drug and alcohol use. In fact, it can even deny an applicant for the “unsafe storage or handling of firearms.”

Even worse, the government could reject a person due to a “recent acquisition of firearms, ammunition or other deadly weapons.”

That’s right. If the government decides there hasn’t been enough of a time gap between the last time you purchase a gun and the time when you wish to buy a new one, it can reject you if Democrats get their way.

Those applying for a federal permit would be required to provide proof that they have taken extensive safety classes before being approved. In essence, the measure would federalize the process of obtaining firearms and licenses to own them.

This is probably one of the most extreme gun control proposals introduced in Congress in recent memory. It goes far beyond universal background checks, red flag laws, and other restrictions. It would essentially impose a national “shall issue” licensing scheme on those seeking to purchase firearms. Everyone would be subject to the same type of process New Yorkers are forced to go through if they want to buy a weapon.

Fortunately, the bill has little chance of making it through either chamber of Congress. In fact, much of President Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda is dead on arrival. This is in large part because of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who has suggested a watered-down version of what the president has proposed. The Hill reported:

Manchin says the pared-down proposal to expand background checks that he helped negotiate in 2013 in the hope of getting support from the National Rifle Association is the only reform that has a chance of passing the 50-50 Senate, undercutting Democrats’ hopes of passing broader legislation.

While more ambitious proposals to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines never had a chance of getting 60 votes in the Senate, Democrats hoped to at least unify their caucus behind the background checks legislation passed by the House last year.

It is also obvious that getting Republican support for a federalized gun licensing scheme is about as probable as Nikki Fried becoming Florida’s next governor. However, this does not mean they will be giving up anytime soon. With the GOP set to retake at least one chamber of Congress in November, it will be some time before Democrats are able to mount a viable challenge to gun rights. But all this means is that they will seek other ways to make it more difficult for everyday Americans to obtain firearms.

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